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Exuviae - Echoes In The Emptiness

Exuviae - Echoes In The Emptiness

Released 2000

[ reviews ]      [ out of print! ]

"When the transcendence occurs from the shimmering glow, and purity of innocence; to the broad and deepend understanding of experience, the images and sounds of memories remain; and thier echoes can still be heard."

Track Listing:

  1. Awaken Within - 13.04
  2. Silencia - 16.06
  3. Otherplace - 15.52
  4. Lightness - 14.39
  5. Right as Rain - 13.35

Partial liner notes:

Concieved, composed, performed, and produced in the Shadowland, January-February 2000.

Brooks: synthesis, guitar, shakuhachi, and treatments.

Layout & Design by bOne

Mindframe Recordings, BMI


Similar to his "Blankets of Quiet" track from the Convergent Evolution compilation, "Echoes" is a collection of five long-form pieces, with the conceptual flow of memories returning, and making their presence known once again. Over 73 minutes of pure atmospheric wash, each movement harnesses a particular reminiscence of times past, with an in depth look at the emotions and feelings of those experiences. Lush and spacious in nature, with the intertwining of treated guitar, found sound, and synthesis; "Echoes" delves into the nature of memory, the fleeting moments of the present, and the promise of the future.

Exuviae - Echoes In The Emptiness